Technolgy, Stupid Teachers, and Tamagotchi.

If you're a Young Adult, Child, or Teacher; you'll know that we us a thing called a calculator in the classroom. Which allows you to barely understand basic math, unless you have a old school teacher. A teacher of mine said, “Do you expect to have a calculator on you for the rest of your life?” Obviously than, we didn't see how everyone in the U.S. A, pretty much around the globe, would have a smartphone, which is a computer in your pocket. That's another point: We have computer's in our pockets, but we don't have a innate knowledge of coding. We've made programs so everyone, and their mother, can use them. That you don't need to change the source code, in some cases that's illegal, or debug what's going on. Technology was always supposed to make us more intelligent, knowledgeable, connected. In contrast, it's made us less intelligent, knowledgeable, and connected.

Look, you man be saying to yourself, “You're just one those A-holes,” Which I probably am. But, I'm a victim to this Cyberpunk uprising as well. I can barely do basic math, because I've become reliant on a calculator on my computer or cell phone. I know how the operations work, and I can even do higher math, but when it comes to the basic stuff, Adding, Subtracting, Dividing, and Multiplying, I'm an idiot. Does it really steam down to the poor calculator's fault? The hardware could've been implemented on a Tamachotchi. Do people still play with those? I do, I order them off Ebay. Man, can it eat a sandwich, or apple, or fruitcake, or icecream. I also connect them up to have extravagant dance parties. I also have sea monkeys, but they actually die. sad face. I need more friends. sad face. Anyway, no it's not the poor Calculator's fault, or your computer's, or your cell phone's. It's the educational system, and society as a whole. sad face. (Okay you can stop with the sad face bit.) Sorry. I mean, if we had stricter operators, handlers, and policies we wouldn't have all these problems. Limit your children from Technology to a point, because Technology can make you Lazy.....*sad face* It can also make you more intelligent to a great degree. Spelling, and comprehension is actually a bonus point for Technology, because you much know how to spell and know how to find what you want on the Webs. Just don't let you babies grow up to be Technology dependent addicts. I shot a text to my middle school teacher. He replied in that “Blah” text. Where you text, but you're just barely typing what you want to say. I always make sure my texts are sure and to the point, that I'm, at least, spelling the words right, and putting periods, or question marks in the correct places. It's sad when a teacher would text as such. Teachers are really weird people though, I dated a pre-school teacher. She invited me to come cuddle with her all night. As dirty as that seems, we did knowing but cuddle, and she was so straight forward I could barely stand her. Who do we have teaching our children? Maybe there should be a psychological evaluation? No, because you'd puck that up too, because a fun, loving, and goofy guy would come up and you'd say, “You're not what we're looking for,” when teaching should be fun, and enjoyable. Not Possible? Than you're not trying hard enough, and taking everything to seriously. Look children need a friend, they need a confidant, why can't it be you? Why do you deem it necessary, even if when the SOL is coming up, to be so hard on the next generation? Though, in some ways, we're not being hard enough. Education about sexual affairs need to be implemented, children raising children isn't a tasteful thought. sad face.

To the point, no one wants to feel like an idiot, no one wants to feel like they're missing something that, it seems, everyone else can do. I know when I couldn't calculate like my friends, I felt like a idiot, a fraud, and a failure. We're supposed to be in school to learn, and come out more confident and intelligent, but I felt as if I missed that part, until I was in highschool at least, when I found my love for biology. Dolphins. Just research Dolphins, Marine Biologist for the WIN! Sadly, I'm not one because I'm afraid to go take a evaluation test because I feel like I'm so less intelligent than anyone, and they're going to laugh at me and call me stupid. Which the dean already kinda did when I said I wanted to become a physicist. Why are we so critical of people in today's age because they don't have the references? You may be talking to the next Einstein Correct? It's because of stupid statistics, “Oh study's shows that if you hold a number in front of an audience, blowing it out your ass, that they'll listen to you.” I mean come on, these “Statistics,” are based on a population, not the individual. Now give me a moment to tell you why that's important, and the differences.

In Evolution a population Evolves not a individual, because it happened to the whole group of animals, so now they are the same species. Like if you put a 10 Barry poptart in a row, but one was strawberry. Well, the overall population has evolved to Berry, instead of Strawberry, and the Strawberry will soon be extinct due to me. I love Love Strawberry Poptarts. In human society, there's so much of us, we're literally over populated. We live in different places, different regions, we're all individual. According to Statistics you should be born Chinese person, but are you Chinese? My point is don't listen to Statistics, or me or anyone. Make your own observations, and don't listen to the “Man.”

In conclusion, trade the calculator for a Tamagotchi, and learn basic math, no matter how old you are. I've finally got them down pat. You're never to old to learn, your brain is a sponge always. Just when you're younger it's more of a sponge, because you're literally a stupid person observing the world around you. I often wish I was a complete Idiot. May I am, or may I'm not. Probably so.

Thank you so much for reading, please hit that like button. Or don't, do what you feel is right, as we've learned in today's lesson. Think for yourself, don't follow lead, and don't laze around all day long writing blogs, playing video games and pretty much no physcial activity, than wonder why you can't get a date on saturday night, or any night if I'm honest, than your mother always crying, “Lose some weight you fat fuck,” than you go down to the store and the cutest little girl is pointing and laughing because the shirts you wear are to short for your torso so you show your lumps. Shew.......How pathetic. So kiddos. Think for yourself, or yourself, you think, or don't. Just do whatever makes you happy, and that'll make my dickle really hard. Love ya, Puff.

P.S. Get a Tamagotchi....I know so 90's, but they're cool. I promise. Or a FURBI! OMG, I love Frubi.


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