Message to my readers.

What's up, Party people.  It's okay, take out a Cig, or whatever is your vice and read my Blog with fun.  I'm Puff, I'm a guy who really doesn't care about anything, but very passionate about everything as well.(Just give me a good sales pitch.)  I'm not looking to educate you, or to tell you how bad you're doing with your life.  Except for you, you know who you are, what are you doing with your life mate?!  Get off the couch and go talk to that girl!  She's into you, even if she's not, sway her and charm her.  She wants you bad, bro.

I'm trying my best to post everyday, or more.  Like in the past 24 hours, I've posted three now.  Just depending on how I feel, and what's going on in my life, but I promise you, I'll post at least one post a day, unless you want more.  I'm here to entertain you, to share my advice, and to extend a hand to become part of my internet Family. We're all special.  We're all apart of the world, we have this amazing gift, consciousness, that honestly makes us a bit crazy sometimes.  I know, Billy down the street is just a straight up, A-Hole and you want nothing to do with him.  That's fine, I hate most people to be honest, but we should still love each other.  Like when your brother bothers you and you get mad at him, but he's still apart of your family and you have feelings for him.  He's your brother, and you love him no matter what.  Just some people, have issues, due to their environment or brain development issues.

My point is, I want you to be apart of my family, and to be friends.  Remember, when no one else is there, I'm here.  Waiting, and always will be on your side.

Best Wishes,


P.S.  Love ya!


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