Sorry for not writing! I'm back. Computer review, and best buy! Business Practices and beyond.

I've lost track of time, I finally got the new computer, new setup(in my grandfather's huge van), and I've been working somethings out. Life is hard, I didn't know how to be interesting, and it pains me. You take a leap one way, than step to the right and life just passes you by. I need to work on my life, I must admit, but I'll do it one day, right now I kinda like were I am. I also know that if I continue down this road, it's going to start going up hill quick, years pass by like a snap of finger, it kinda scares me. To the point of this week's blog. Basically, I'm sorry that I haven't been on for a while, I kinda forgot about writing it, and just I've been very busy. That being said I'm going to write blogs daily no matter what, and I'm so sorry that I took a two day break there. Not a break persay, I just was kinda busy, it won't happen again. Because Blogs are so easy to write, so it's really a fun activity.

My brother in law, flipped his lawn mower on him or something, not really sure about the information. That does raise some questions, unless there was a circumstance, like his leg getting hung or something, how did this happen? A lawn mower literally goes as fast as a turtle, it's in the settings, literally, there's: Turtle, and than there's rabbit. How didn't he just jump off, or something, it's just silly to me. Poor guy, he'll never be able to live this down with us, probably. Unless he's really hurt. I'll inform you on how that went later.

So yea, my computer came in four days earlier! Thank you so much, best buy! Their products may be very very high, but at least they deliver great customer service. There three main things to look for in a business is this(regardless of price): Was it Effortless, personal, and inspiring? If it was at least, two of those, than you may want to look for somewhere else to go. If you're trying to sell something, you need these three aspects, or it's going to fall. You don't want your customer's doing anything, if they don't have too. They're get frustrated, and I'm sure someone offers it for them so they don't have to do it their-self. If you can't make a customer smile, or happy in anyway, than you may not want to be the person selling the products. You want that person to become your friend, because they aren't going to leave or do their friend dirty. You have a bond with them, they look at you when they think of service, so they trust you in a sense. Also, try to make it so they leave the place and tell their friends or feel safe about it. I always try to make people laugh, it's just something I'm good at, and no matter what, even if I can't resolve the problem, they thank me for helping them. If you do all these things, they won't ever leave your company, no matter how bad the company screw them over. This is what you need to learn to do customer service. I hate serious people when it comes to customer service, you can't be series, you want to make this person happy, not make them feel like they're at the DMV or some government office. That's what people miss I think, even when they're trained in what I've just told you. I worked for Sykes, where they taught me these things, and I'll never forget them because my trainer upheld these things in everything she did.

So about the computer, it's better than my old one! The graphics card that came with it, I'm pretty sure, is a old model, and it looks like this one was built with some other parts, but it has a better motherboard, power supply, and RAM, than my other one. I have another graphics card anyway, so this one is just a back up or I'm going to sell it. I'm not sure. It runs way better than my other one could ever run, and I thank the facility, and best buy so much. Now best buy or CyberPower hasn't actually paid me in anyway or anything. So don't think I'm selling their brand. I'm just saying, if you have the money, I'd go to them for your computer needs, just don't trust the sales man, trust yourself and read everything. They're promise you a office computer will run like a gaming computer, which you could do, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Thanks for reading. I'm out!

Love ya!


P.S. I'm very sorry about not writing, please don't leave me! I should have some art up soon, so look for that.


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