Online Relationship 101

Growing up in a very religious household, talking to girls was a bit of a hassle.  To the King James version of Opposite sex encounters, well they shouldn't happen unsupervised that's for sure.  Yes, it's so romantic to have your mother there when you're trying to "WOO" a girl.  I may blame it on such things, but I believe my real problem is, I'm just to shy.  Even the thought of looking at a beautiful girl makes my temple pour of perception, and my stomach go into notches.  I felt as if I could never say the correct things, not to mention I have a speech impediment.  So now I talk in soft voice, and don't really like to talk in general because my words fall out like jigsaw puzzle being poured on a table.  Also, I've always had a weight problem.  So putting all those factors together, how is a  guy supposed to  get a date on a Saturday night?
It's called the World Wide Web.  It's absolutely astonishing that I become a silver tongue devil online.  Which is nothing new, but often my female companions are miles apart, which is okay, but it's difficult because all you want to do is hold their hand.  That being said, let's talk about how a Long Distance Relationship from the wonderful InterWebs can Pan out and what are the draw backs and positive aspects:
  1. You can't actually be there in person: Yes this limitation is the hardest, and most difficult to bare. Not being able to actually hold, kiss, and everything in between can really put a strain on your emotions.  Don't worry though, as long as you can video chat this can make it somewhat tolerable.
  2. You don't know what the other person is doing:  This is really a beginning concern, until the person actually opens up to you.  You don't know if they're actually doing everything they're saying or who they really are.  The thing that most people forget about that is, HAVE THEM VIDEO CHAT YOU!!! This can't be stressed enough.  If you're going to have a online relationship with just text and pictures than it's not going to work.  If that person refuses to video chat with you after a month would be the limit, but personally after a week or two for me, just end it.  Because if that person is lying and you don't figure it out until a year down the road, your heart will be shattered.  So just cut it out.  Also, if it's taken a year to not meet, theirs probably something wrong anyway.  Unless, of course, that's what you've agreed upon.
  3. Communication:  Things go wrong, it's life and there's always going to be a rough patch.  First: They have to go somewhere for a extended period of time where they don't get cell reception.  This will definitely determine how strong of a relationship you have.  Second:  Getting into a fight happens.  Every couple on the face of the earth can tell you this.  Being a "Online Relationship" this can end worse than a regular relationship because the other person could just block you and say quits without a moments notice.  It's so easy to just press block and just have so much spite for that person.  It's  happened to me many times, to be honest.  This will also determine how strong the relationship is.
Those are really the Big Issues with "Online Relationships," but now lets look at the Positives:
  1. Deeper Love:  Being in a online relationship, requires so much dedication.  You don't actually realize this until you take a moment and look at it.  You make sure you're available for this person almost 24/7, honestly.  I mean you talk and share things  more than any regular relationship, face to face, would allow you too.  This is the best aspect to me of a "Online Relationship." You really get to know this person on a deeper level, I mean you literally get to know everything about them, before you even meet them.  You get to know them on a deeper level, literally knowing how they think, how they fell, and who they really are.  With a regular relationship these things take a year or so to really truly find out, but you've done it in way less time, because you're constantly talking and sharing to this person.   So the next time someone say, "Oh, it's online how can you even know who they are?" tell them what I've just said.  I mean, a lot of times in real life, as I call it, people fall in love deeply because they kiss, and touch.  You don't have that option, so therefore you really fall in love with the person's mind.  Which to me is truly a beautiful ting.
  2. Safer: STDs are a real problem.  Let's be honest, we're adults, in today's society we don't do the whole "wait till marriage thing" anymore, at least most of us.  Second: When you meet a girl, who knows if she's going to murder you when you go and pick her up or go over to her house.  As I've said in number one, you really get to know the person online better so you know they aren't going to Kill, steal, and use you.  The only thing that might happen is they use you for attention.
  3. Meeting:  When you do meet, it's like everything in the world is going for you.  It's a feeling that is indescribable.  You're meeting this girl, finally, after months or years of waiting.  You've accomplished the impossible it feels like and now you get to love on a whole other level that regular relationships don't have.
Perhaps though this is just my experience, and in all honestly I need to work on my game in "Real Life," but this is just what I've experienced.  Many of my friend's wives are from them doing this very same thing, so it does work.  It's not just ramblings of a person trying to justify his imperfections. But than, probably so.
I hope you've enjoyed reading this, and it's inspired or made you feel comfort in knowing the relationship you have with that person a million miles away, if meant to be, will work out.  The only closing advice I can say is, make sure you video chat.  We live in age where everyone has a phone with a camera. Even a phone with just a back camera will video chat, even so they can pick up a web cam for a few dollars.  Being "Catfished" is only done by the careless.  There's no way to fake a live video unless they're super hackers, even than you could ask them to do something you've said.
I will leave you with, I hope your relationship lasts the long hall.  Divorce Rate here in the U.S. is on the rise, so just make sure you're marrying them for all the right reasons and not because you feel lonely.


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