Teaser to my first book! Check it out!


Rolling down the hilly landscape, a worrier; no a giant of what a man could be; his hair flowing in the wind; and his charm swaying any creature in sight. His barley chest, with a stubble of hair, brisking the breeze with such elegance that it left you breathless. A enemy, a lizard kind of creature known for their shark loans and monstrous nature, attacked trying to rob him. His sword, cutting into the creatures neck like butter. Swaying his hair, his attire that of a barbarian nature.
Yonder, down the path on top of a hill, with a swaying leaf less tree was a Wizard of such great proportions that even the Gods feared him in every way. Arm extended, pointing near the Worrier, “Ho, visitor. What is your business here?” His voice rasping like a cough.
“Do you not know Salamander? You wicked Foe. A message must have reached you.” His voice destroying even the air that it came in contact with. There laying on the ground was a stooge, with a parcel on his back, and the worrier tore it off the man, “Sorry, Friend. May you find peace in the afterlife.” Unwrapping the parcel and holding it high, “Here, a message from the King.”
The wizard just stood there, looking no where, but as if he saw something coming that only he knew, no peace would come of it. Looking down at the worrier, his eyes like balls of light, seeing through your very soul. “Follow me.” He lead the worrier through a forest that seemed to sink in around them, the branches caving in around them, but the end seeming ever closer. The worrier picked up speed, his eyes peeled for the evil that laid within. Finally, a Castle came into view. It was placed on top of a small hill, looking over the ocean. The base made around the curves of the hill, with a magical feeling that you'd have to describe as Euphoric.
“Wizard, what curse comes upon me that I can barely walk without concentration?” The worrier focused on stepping, swaying left and right. He grabbed up the steps to the door leading in the eerie looking castle.
“Ah, that's the feeling of magic, why us of the Order are addicted to the mere taste of it. You wonder why we risk our lives for such things? Well, doesn't it make you feel as if you can just do anything, at anytime?” The Wizard struck a devastating smile and reached out a bony, weathered hand to the young worrier. The worrier took it and looked at his hands and arms, amused by how they were shaped and who he was.
“My God, look at my arms, most pleasing to look at, don't you think Wizard?” The Worrier stumbled up the steps. “May a Worrier like me harness such Magic?”
The Wizard looked at him and frowned. “Perhaps a little, but it would put such a strain on you that you would lose most of the mass of your body and look as I am. But, perhaps you could learn some simple spells.” The Wizard pulled out a wooden pipe, loaded it, lighting up and handing it to the worrier. “Here, puff this and you'll feel much better.” The Worrier, took the Pipe and took in the smoke of what the Wizard had put in it. His sense of self came back, he looked around him, sitting on the steps of the castle.
“I'm Blake. “ Handing out a hand to Shake it, “Who do I have the pleasure to know?” His charm swaying like Rosie kisses to the Wizard.
“Monthriex: The Wise” The Wizard shook Blake's hand and looked up at the sky as they sit on the steps of the castle. “Shall we retire in my living courtiers? Where my staff will serve you a meal and serve your every need. I extend every service to you as you stay here. I insist you stay here for a while, as I must consider the king's proposal.
“I must thank you deeply,” The worrier bowed, as he got up with the wizard and entered the doors of the castle. When entered, there seemed to be a million doors and enterances to this castle, he could see the stairs leading to the top corridors. A woman came up to him smiling, looking down at all times. “Who might this be?”
“This is Heather. She is a servant here, she will lead you to your room, where you can relax until Dinner is served.” He looked at Blake with great concern. “You have a path ahead of you, that only you can choose. It's going to be the most difficult choice of your life. I'm not sure you fully understand what the kind proposes. We shall discuss the details after dinner.”


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