Interview with a YouTuber Ross.

Interview with Ross:

1. So what is this youtube video about? 

"Um...Dude you know what it's about, you played with me."

2. And why do you think this is a good youtube video?

"Because it is man, it is..."

3. What's your creative process when making and editing one of these videos?

"Record, Edit, add, subtract, and export. That's the steps that I do. That pretty much means I Record the video, I Editthe video, add stuff, you know what I mean."

4. Are we gonna see lots more videos to come, are there any games besides H1Z1 and Rust that you want to make videos on?

"Yes, Yes for sure. And..I've been wanting to get some Friday the 13th videos, waiting for news games to come out. Been wanting to pick up GTA5. Right now where I kinda just starting up the youtube channel again, I don't want to go out and just spend money on games until I build a decent audience. I do have some new games I'm getting for sure, but I don't wantto spoil the surprise."

5. Do you have anything to say to the people out there watching your videos?

"Subscribe. Um..Comment, let me know what I need to work on. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!"

Interview with Ross: 07/16/2017


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