Gamer/YouTuber Interview with Ross.

This is interview one with Ross:

Hey, Ross. Being your confidant, I've learned that you're going through a bit of a patch of Love that you probably don't want?

"Yes, that is correct."

So you've learned a lot about love in this experience?

"That is true."

So what would you idealize as your perfect Love?


Don't worry take your time.

"I have to say the perfect love for me, is someone who understands me and someone I can understand. Someone who is, who's....I mean if they've been through a lot it's okay, but I don't really want someone who is a work in progress. I someone who is normal like, and who likes two or three things I like, and has a decent body structure; that I like...and good personality, good voice. Just loves me how I want to be loved."

Can't we all just hope for that...(Maybe)  So you've watched a lot of RomComs right?  Romantic comedies?


Uh, which movie perfected the love you want, on a deeper level, and/or video game?

"That's a hard one. Probably.........................A good....*sigh*. A love inspirational Movie for me, because I don't to many romantic movies."


"There are two movies that kinda inspire me that, I don't know, gives me hope is one movie we all probably know. Is Forrest Gump.  Because, you know, he was with this girl, he loved her, they went through tough times, and than eventually everything just came true.  All their, everything he wished for actually happened, and he was just so relaxed about it through the whole movie. And than another movie..."

Well, let me cut you off there, because he really didn't end up the way he wanted too.  But I guess in  life, you've gotta make lemonade with what ever life gives you.  He was mentally retarded. So I guess., yea.  So are you saying you're mentally retarded?

"This blog is over."

So what other movie were you talking about?

"I don't know, it's a triple X one."

"I can just tell you this much, love is out there. Your soul mate is out there, just save your heart for someone special.  Just give your heart because your desperate, don't give your heart just for sex, save your heart.....Gotta get back to work."

What is your work, sir?

"Making Triple X videos."

Have a wonderful day sir.

"Uh.....*Wake me up before your go go plays on his computer*"

What did we learn from this interview?  That you shouldn't ask if they're mentally retarded, and that you should save your heart for some one special, who at least likes 2 or three things you like and has a body structure you like, apparently. Thank you Ross.

Link to his Channel:



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