Tamagotchi: Retro Rant. Review, Computing.

What is it about Tamagotchi I love? Is it the fact you control a independent creature in your hand, or is it the fact that my father left me when I was baby, and I feel like I have to make sure this creature has a loving father who cares about them? The world may never know, yes, like Tootie Pop. Tootie Pop's were really good, they would give us them at school while we studied. I've tried the One, ah Tow, ah Three than chop thing, but it kinda hurt my teeth a little. They're hard candy, not really meant to be just chomped into. You can get one's on your phone, Virtual Pets that is, but they're not really anything like the original. Nintendo Tried with that thing you get with Gold or Silver, but it doesn't really let you take care of the pet. It was mostly a walking tracker, like a fit bit in your pocket, or Pokemon Go Beta. I mean, come on Nintendo let's try a little harder, the Pokemon Go device doesn't have any features but if a Pokemon is near you, and tracks the distance you travel. There's not even a watch feature, but you wear it on your wrist and it's 40 dollars.....Wow thanks Nintendo.

If you search Tamagotchi you get the freaking whatever it is for girls. When it was for both sexes. What happened! Where's the fun? It's just a puffin type creature, like a Lamb or something. Bahh, how about.....NO! Where's the fun? I mean, it might be fun, and I ordered one, I'll post updates soon. When I think of Tamagotchi, I think of my childhood, and how cool I was when I brought one to school. I used to be around 30 dollars, but now if you look on Ebay, you'll get a good one for 50 dollars. Man, I should've really kept up with mine from my childhood.

Now there's a lot of Knock offs, that are really cool actually. I remember getting the one from the drug store, where you could literally feed it to much, give it medicine and kill it by it taking to many drugs and food. It was hilarious to me, in a morbid way because I want to take care of it, but it was just a knock off and no where near the Tamagotchi Experience. Let's bring tamgotchi back, those other knockoff's don't know how to act! There was a really cool Bar Code scanning Monster thing, that was really cool, but no where near performed like a Tamagotchi, but a close one. I loved the fact your Tamagotchi could interact with other Tamagotchi. Which the Bar code Scanner did, but the Drug Store variety did not. There were more more rip offs, but that really all I remember. While researching, because I was wondering what's in the market, Digimon Did a version of one, were you could batter, also Godzilla did as well. Based on the 2001 one movie I believe. Such a great movie, and really funny, and a great cast. I just wonder how many there are, what their based on, and what are the capabilities.

As a kid, I was wondering if you could program it to do more, like mod it to do interesting things. Like smoke, drank, or whatever. Or just when you went over to another Tamagotchi, send like a virus that makes it do strange and interesting things. I need to work on that, but than I need two of them and know how to assess it's internal parts so I can implement the source files into it. What kind of coding it uses and just things like that.

So there's my Tamagotchi speech, and it's knockoff's. Do you want me to do review of them? Post a video, with pictures? Let me know in the comments. Thank you so much for reading.

Love ya!



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