Top Ten RockStar Games!

With RockStar saying that Red Dead Redemption two isn't going to be available until the spring of next year, which for me has me in utter anguish; I started thinking about my favorite RockStar games. Which ones stood out, and which did I have the most fun playing, even if I didn't play them for hours upon hours, like GTA 5. Which games were king, and which game was trash? Which you can't really say that RockStar games are trash, I'll admit they really haven't made a bad game. I remember playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the first time, I just completely lost my self in everything about the game. I mean, I felt as if I were Tommy Vercetti, taking out anyone in my path, driving fast cars, and dealing and wheeling. It really made a impression on every other game I've ever played, I mean I'll be playing a game and think, “Why can't this be more like GTA?” To the point. Here's my list of the Top Ten RockStar Games of all time:

10. Midnight Club: Who hasn't played Midnight club? It has some of the best controls for a racing/freemode game. The free mode was actually my favorite part, just cruising around the city, with your friend, racing each other and what ever you wanted to do. Now, why is this game at the bottom of the list? Because, it's just a racing game. Racing games are great, but don't give you the whole experience of what a console/Computer can do. That being said, you can have a great experience with friends on the Midnight Club games.

9. GTA III: Why is this game so low as well? Well, it would've been the last one if I hadn't thought of Midnight club. GTA III was just one of the limited games in the Franchise, and I just didn't feel as engrossed in the gameplay, story, enviroment, and character as I did with the other games. There were some features I thought were cool, but is that enough to really say it's a good Grand Theft Auto game? In my opinion no. They story line was okay, but not as good as the other story line in the series. It's not particularly a really bad game either, just for RockStar Standards I suppose. It's still a Grand Theft Auto game, so it plays really well, there's a rich environment but it's not as great as the others.

8. GTA: China Town: This game was hard, I thought maybe, it needed to be listed before GTA III, but this game, to be on the Nintendo DS, has a rich story, and great gameplay. You aren't going to get the next gen experience with this, but whaty ou will get is amazing mini games, a great storyline, and a protagonist you really believe in. They made a GTA Game that has gore, drugs, and everything in between on a Nintendo console. How amazing is that!

7.  Red Dead Revolver: I borrowed this game from a friend, and never gave it back! It was literally one of the funniest games I had played. With the weird cut scenes, and the great controls. It really made an impact for Western Type games. I don't know any boy who didn't want to be a cowboy and live in the wild west. This game gave us a glimpse of that and you wanted more.

6.  GTA 4: When this game originally came out, I didn't really care for it. After playing San Andreas, where you could literally do nearly anything you wanted, you could pretty much simulate your life if you wanted too, and so many customization options, I could wait to see what you could do next. I remember starting to play it and being really disappointed, so I didn't give this game a chance for a while, until a couple years ago I bought it and was bored so I beat the game in a couple days. The story line just blew me away honestly. I suppose a great story line makes up for a small map, and limited gameplay. Or does it really?

5.  Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Slick, Hot, and Wired; are just a few words that come to mind when thinking about Vice city. This game has to be the closest to my heart in this whole series. Why? Because it was my first ever GTA Experience, and I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Not only that, but the cheat codes they allowed us to use were really boss. Cars that drive on water, while you'd die if you actually went into water?! That's amazing! I mean, this game is really limited but they make up for it in every way with their cast, and just overall use of medium. They made a game that can last through the ages, I think. There's many draw backs to this game, but once you start playing it and just look over them, you can't help but be engulfed in it's world. I mean I wanted to be Tommy Vercetti when I grew up!

4.  GTA 5: This game. One game to rule them all. This has to be one of the greatest games of all time in anyone's list. This game does everything so well, you wonder if RockStar isn't working on some weird level. They combined amazing story telling, with gameplay that is unforgettable. Why is this game number 4 than? Though the story made me cry, feel joy, and pain; it misses a few points. For one, you can't freely jump. Yes, they did a great job with the mechanics that you use to jump on a house, etc with, but is that enough to be okay? On every other game you can freely jump, and have a more open experience. It definitely makes up for it in every way, including the customization options. I just wanted Micheal to wear converse like shoes with a suit. I do it all the time, but apparently, in a game where you can literally do what you “want,” you can't let your character wear suit and sneakers. That's my only real issues, if it wasn't for that it would've been number three to be honest.

3.  Max Payne: I know, GTA 5 has a stronger standing, but it has one of the best stories that will literally make you want to keep playing and playing. It's all about story in this one, and gameplay. The controls in this game are excellent and the special abilities are superb. Whoever thought of the slow motion ability, needs a huge raise. Who would've thought that would've been such an strong ability? You stay for the amazing artwork, graphic and amazing story.

2.  GTA: San Andreas: This is the best game in my opinion in the whole franchise. It has great controls, lots of customization options, and a huge playground. Not to mention the story is beyond great. It's one of those games that they really just did everything right. You can literally make your car fly, I'm not sure if you've ever wanted to do that before. Who hasn't?! They literally put Las Vegas in a game, though it would've been better if you could've went into all the casinos. I understand why they couldn't, due to all the other content to this game. Like I said, you can literally live out a virual life in this game if you wanted too. Great mini games that actually change your character to be fat. What other RockStar game has these many options? Well.....

1.  Red Dead Redemption: This game literally has to be the greatest game of all time. When I first turned it on, to the moment it ended; I was stuck. This game has beyond belief graphics, for what it does. It still holds up today. The gun fights, the weapons, the characters, the everything about this game make it one of the best games, honestly, on planet earth. You could also, play online with your friends! I mean how many features do you need in a game? Well, Red Dead Redemption came through. You can literally kill your horse and skin it. The story will make you cry and just kinda gives you the middle finger. That being said, it makes up for it in everyway. Really, the only problem I had with it was you couldn't drive the car in it. I mean you know RockStar could've done it. I suppose it would've kinda killed the cowboy theme though. Also, my main complaint is: I WANTED TO PLAY MORE! I promise if you haven't played it yet, you won't regret getting a copy and trying it out. It still holds up in every way today.


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