Drug Testing in Schools.

Yes, the biggest Narcs, the government, is at it again.  First medal detector's, see through back packs, and now Drug Testing.  Our School System is literally turning into a Educational Prison System.

We live in a society that is, literally, taking Teenager's by the hand and making their suck.  "NO Timmy!  Don't you dare call Johnny's mom a MILF!" Not for the benefit of theirs either, but for the benefit of their parents.  Herding them along as Cattle.

I agree that kids doing drugs, especially the heavy stuff, is bad, but listen: You can not control every aspect of a teenager's life.  This is totally a new thing, that society is deeming acceptable and we're seeing the negative side effects of it.

School Shooting after shooting, is it because of the mental state of a teenager, or is it because we're controlling them so much that they rebel in the worst way? I, Unfortunately, know all to well about control over a young person, first hand. My deceased uncle, whom will forever live in my heart, was sheltered from the world, he needed freedom.  So what did he do when he got a little taste of it, and just like someone in that situation, jumped off the deep end. Dying at the age of 23.  He was a brother to me, and the real brother to my other uncle.  My grand parents, and my uncle still are not over it, years later.  It's a very devastating situation. 

How much more do you ned America?  Will you be satisfied when things get even worse in the school system?  WAKE UP!  Teenagers need their freedom, to make their mistakes, don't take this away form them. 

Instead, be there for them when they come home hung over, and just talk to them.  Don't just treat them like property, treat them as a human being, whom has alot to learn.  BE THEIR FRIENDS!  You've been their, I know you have.  You would hate being in today's society, and just because you think kids are a lot more unintelligent than you were when you were their age, doesn't mean it's a fact.  You acted the same way, remember that. 


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