Free Advice 2 | Halloween| Horror

My Last Free Advice was a bit shaky, I'll admit.  This time I'm starting things off right, with a positive attitude.  I'm not sure why, but when a girl breaks up with me it's like I'm free from a prison that I put myself in.  Do I miss her?  Yes, of course I do.  But I can't keep you, the audience waiting, for my next big article.

This week is Halloween, so I'd like to share the world of my mind, a bit of scary place for sure. Sometimes I'm convinced my mind is the gateway to hell.  I'll let you be the judge of that.

This is the scare crow pointing you towards certain doom.  Or something like that, I'm not sure.  I don't ink anything, because I have no need too.  That being said, I could and will ink if you'd like.

A being so wise that he knows all, and could give you many secrets if you'd just poke out your ear. Spooky.

A creature waiting for you in your deepest nightmares.

I'm so proud of this drawing, I absolutely love it.  It's a Flower of the Damned.

He's a variation of the Flower of the Damned.

I hope these images don't keep you to awake at night.......If you like it please consider supporting me on my patreon.

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