
Showing posts from July, 2017

My favorite Directors. Woody Allen. Wes Anderson.

When I think of something I've just instantly liked, and it just really struck home for me, like a revelation, or a great "Big" deal in my life, I think of Two Directors. Which is weird to say, because I think the people most near and dear to you should be those people, but something about the ideas, story telling, and everything in between about these Two Directors I love.  Not in a strange or erotic way, but in a Dad kind of sense.  Not having a father, you look for father figures in anyone, and I suppose I do this in everything, which is a bit odd to begin with.  The work of these two, just mainly inspire me, and I'd give me left eye to work with them on anything, even if that didn't exactly work out the way it would in my head. The first is a great, I'm totally obsessed with his work, but some don't hit home the way I'd want them too, but for the most part his work means so much.  It's inspiring, dramatic, thought provoking, and entertainment

Sorry for not writing! I'm back. Computer review, and best buy! Business Practices and beyond.

I've lost track of time, I finally got the new computer, new setup(in my grandfather's huge van), and I've been working somethings out. Life is hard, I didn't know how to be interesting, and it pains me. You take a leap one way, than step to the right and life just passes you by. I need to work on my life, I must admit, but I'll do it one day, right now I kinda like were I am. I also know that if I continue down this road, it's going to start going up hill quick, years pass by like a snap of finger, it kinda scares me. To the point of this week's blog. Basically, I'm sorry that I haven't been on for a while, I kinda forgot about writing it, and just I've been very busy. That being said I'm going to write blogs daily no matter what, and I'm so sorry that I took a two day break there. Not a break persay, I just was kinda busy, it won't happen again. Because Blogs are so easy to write, so it's really a fun activity.

Insects, Best Buy, Tamagotchi, and Sea Monkey's.

    Now, as it were, I was sitting on the patio when I spotted a strange looking fly, or perhaps bee. I'm not sure what verity of insect this was but it was beautiful, which insects usually aren't to me, besides the honey bee. There's just something about a bee that I think they're absolutely adorable. Expect for the wasp verity. A buck Hornet or whatever they're called flew into my house, and I hadn't realized this, I thought it was a huge moth, which I have a phobia of anyway, but it hit the ceiling hard, so I thought that was the end of it. As I'm listening to a song, drawing, this thing appears beside me on my night stand, and I'm paralyzed by fear, so I do the only thing I could think of. I put the covers over me and close my eyes, and not moving a muscle. So a 20 something man is now laying in a bed, with the “covers” over him, about to have a heart attack over a huge, but still relatively little, hornet. I proceeded by laying the

Message to my readers. Computer Problems. Best Buy.

What's happening my fellow Tamagotchi Officers.  How's it going?  So I've gotta go get my PC looked at, so that means I have to go see the fellas at freaking Best Buy.  Idk if you've ever been in one before, but they try to sell you everything without knowing the facts.  This computer was supposed to have a 2 gig, but it didn't, and in all the excitement I didn't check.  I know stupid on my part, but I just bought a better graphics card anyway, as the case was worth the price I paid, honestly.  Anyway, so the power supply shot out on me, and I can see where it happened.  I would take it apart and fix it myself, as I do have experience in the computer field, but that would void the warranty I'm afraid, so I'll just let them check it. Whilst in the shower I grabbed the wrong pants, I'm at my grandparents house, so I ran to my room and my grandmother was in the hallway and had a cow man.  I was in my whity tighties, but she's very religious.  Id

Message to my Readers. Love ya.

I hope your weekend is going great.  So I'm not sure what to write about, but I hope you're enjoying it.  I really want to tell you that you're amazing, no matter what's going on remember that.  You're the best thing on this earth, and you're compatible of anything that you set your mind too. Even if you don't want to do anything, that's great!  Do nothing, do something, just have a lot of fun doing it, and if you feel down, don't.  You will find happiness eventually.  Thank you very much. Puff. Love ya!

Rambling about Love, Life, and Happiness. LifeStyle.

In the quest to find the love of my life, I mainly use social media sites, which is probably my down fall. That being said, why in God's name is it so hard? Well, first, I'm a big guy, so therefore it's 10 times harder anyway. Is that really a bad thing? Don't you girls know we love the most, and will make you laugh the most. It means more to a guy like me than, say, a guy who won the genetic lottery. We're usually, more intelligent, more loving, and more commitment. That being said, I will say that personally I have had great relationships, after a long search, but nothing that really stuck or appeared to go anywhere. Regrettably, most ended because I couldn't handle the person, because it appears I can't get a normal girl. I will also admit I, kinda, let the love of my life slip through my fingers. I miss her more than I want to live even now, but regrettably, again, she's gone. I contacted her a few months ago and I messed her up

Teaser to my first book! Check it out!

1 Rolling down the hilly landscape, a worrier; no a giant of what a man could be; his hair flowing in the wind; and his charm swaying any creature in sight. His barley chest, with a stubble of hair, brisking the breeze with such elegance that it left you breathless. A enemy, a lizard kind of creature known for their shark loans and monstrous nature, attacked trying to rob him. His sword, cutting into the creatures neck like butter. Swaying his hair, his attire that of a barbarian nature. Yonder, down the path on top of a hill, with a swaying leaf less tree was a Wizard of such great proportions that even the Gods feared him in every way. Arm extended, pointing near the Worrier, “Ho, visitor. What is your business here?” His voice rasping like a cough. “Do you not know Salamander? You wicked Foe. A message must have reached you.” His voice destroying even the air that it came in contact with. There laying on the ground was a stooge, with a parcel on his back, and

Message to my readers.

What's up, Party people.  It's okay, take out a Cig, or whatever is your vice and read my Blog with fun.  I'm Puff, I'm a guy who really doesn't care about anything, but very passionate about everything as well.(Just give me a good sales pitch.)  I'm not looking to educate you, or to tell you how bad you're doing with your life.  Except for you, you know who you are, what are you doing with your life mate?!  Get off the couch and go talk to that girl!  She's into you, even if she's not, sway her and charm her.  She wants you bad, bro. I'm trying my best to post everyday, or more.  Like in the past 24 hours, I've posted three now.  Just depending on how I feel, and what's going on in my life, but I promise you, I'll post at least one post a day, unless you want more.  I'm here to entertain you, to share my advice, and to extend a hand to become part of my internet Family. We're all special.  We're all apart of the world,

Tamagotchi: Retro Rant. Review, Computing.

What is it about Tamagotchi I love? Is it the fact you control a independent creature in your hand, or is it the fact that my father left me when I was baby, and I feel like I have to make sure this creature has a loving father who cares about them? The world may never know, yes, like Tootie Pop. Tootie Pop's were really good, they would give us them at school while we studied. I've tried the One, ah Tow, ah Three than chop thing, but it kinda hurt my teeth a little. They're hard candy, not really meant to be just chomped into. You can get one's on your phone, Virtual Pets that is, but they're not really anything like the original. Nintendo Tried with that thing you get with Gold or Silver, but it doesn't really let you take care of the pet. It was mostly a walking tracker, like a fit bit in your pocket, or Pokemon Go Beta. I mean, come on Nintendo let's try a little harder, the Pokemon Go device doesn't have any features but if a Pokemon is

Technolgy, Stupid Teachers, and Tamagotchi.

If you're a Young Adult, Child, or Teacher; you'll know that we us a thing called a calculator in the classroom. Which allows you to barely understand basic math, unless you have a old school teacher. A teacher of mine said, “Do you expect to have a calculator on you for the rest of your life?” Obviously than, we didn't see how everyone in the U.S. A, pretty much around the globe, would have a smartphone, which is a computer in your pocket. That's another point: We have computer's in our pockets, but we don't have a innate knowledge of coding. We've made programs so everyone, and their mother, can use them. That you don't need to change the source code, in some cases that's illegal, or debug what's going on. Technology was always supposed to make us more intelligent, knowledgeable, connected. In contrast, it's made us less intelligent, knowledgeable, and connected. Look, you man be saying to yourself, “You're just one th

Message to my Readers.

Hey, Guys!  Puff here!  I'm writing this to ask you, Is there a topic you'd like me to go over?  It can be anything.  I'll gladly give you my advice, in anyway possible that I can. I mean I have a lot to say, about Love, Life, Video Games, and everything in between.  I think alot, I actually can't stand to not just step back and think about a situation. So just email, or comment what you'd like me to go over next?  Do you want me to tell you about me and what I'm doing in my life? Thanks guys!  I'll keep giving great blogs as long as you keep reading.  P.S.  I noticed the subscribe option has that annoying Verification step on it. So here's my Twitter so it's easier. Here's my email as well: Donate:

Top Ten RockStar Games!

With RockStar saying that Red Dead Redemption two isn't going to be available until the spring of next year, which for me has me in utter anguish; I started thinking about my favorite RockStar games. Which ones stood out, and which did I have the most fun playing, even if I didn't play them for hours upon hours, like GTA 5. Which games were king, and which game was trash? Which you can't really say that RockStar games are trash, I'll admit they really haven't made a bad game. I remember playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the first time, I just completely lost my self in everything about the game. I mean, I felt as if I were Tommy Vercetti, taking out anyone in my path, driving fast cars, and dealing and wheeling. It really made a impression on every other game I've ever played, I mean I'll be playing a game and think, “Why can't this be more like GTA?” To the point. Here's my list of the Top Ten RockStar Games of all time: 10. Mid

Interview with a YouTuber Ross.

Interview with Ross: 1. So what is this youtube video about?  "Um...Dude you know what it's about, you played with me." 2. And why do you think this is a good youtube video? "Because it is man, it is..." 3. What's your creative process when making and editing one of these videos? "Record, Edit, add, subtract, and export. That's the steps that I do. That pretty much means I Record the video, I Editthe video, add stuff, you know what I mean." 4. Are we gonna see lots more videos to come, are there any games besides H1Z1 and Rust that you want to make videos on? "Yes, Yes for sure. And..I've been wanting to get some Friday the 13th videos, waiting for news games to come out. Been wanting to pick up GTA5. Right now where I kinda just starting up the youtube channel again, I don't want to go out and just spend money on games until I build a decent audience. I do have some new games I'm getting for sure, but I don't wantto spoil

Gamer/YouTuber Interview with Ross.

This is interview one with Ross: Hey, Ross. Being your confidant, I've learned that you're going through a bit of a patch of Love that you probably don't want? "Yes, that is correct." So you've learned a lot about love in this experience? "That is true." So what would you idealize as your perfect Love? "Well.." Don't worry take your time. "I have to say the perfect love for me, is someone who understands me and someone I can understand. Someone who is, who's....I mean if they've been through a lot it's okay, but I don't really want someone who is a work in progress. I someone who is normal like, and who likes two or three things I like, and has a decent body structure; that I like...and good personality, good voice. Just loves me how I want to be loved." Can't we all just hope for that...(Maybe)  So you've watched a lot of RomComs right?  Romantic comedies? "Yes." Uh, whi

Online Relationship 101

Growing up in a very religious household, talking to girls was a bit of a hassle.  To the King James version of Opposite sex encounters, well they shouldn't happen unsupervised that's for sure.  Yes, it's so romantic to have your mother there when you're trying to "WOO" a girl.  I may blame it on such things, but I believe my real problem is, I'm just to shy.  Even the thought of looking at a beautiful girl makes my temple pour of perception, and my stomach go into notches.  I felt as if I could never say the correct things, not to mention I have a speech impediment.  So now I talk in soft voice, and don't really like to talk in general because my words fall out like jigsaw puzzle being poured on a table.  Also, I've always had a weight problem.  So putting all those factors together, how is a  guy supposed to  get a date on a Saturday night? It's called the World Wide Web.  It's absolutely astonishing that I become a silver tongue devil o