Social Conduct, Pronouns, Orientation, Tump, Boobs, Sex.

Social Conduct:

We live in a culture that praises the Adult rated, uncensored thrill rides. Everything is about your sexual orientation and nothing to do about your individual self.  Because, somewhere along the way, we think
that Orientation equals Individuality.  Your Sexual Orientation shouldn't matter as much as everyone seems to think it does.


Look if you have female features, We're going to call you a Woman/Girl.  If you have Male features, we're going to call you a Man/Boy.  Just because you "Want" to be a Girl/Boy, doesn't mean you're going to get that.  I wish I had a "Shower" instead
of a "Grower."  Do you think my silver lining is coming?  No.  I got what I got, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Understanding, and respect:

I love being Adult, I love to cuss, I love to be Lewd, I love to just not give a flying Fuck about Anything. But But But, you....YOU right there, have to understand that someone that is in their middle ages, is going to be Offended if you're in the super market cussing.  You should have more respect for them.  Here's a example.  My grandfather is a 80+ year old man, he believes in the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Gospels.  I on the other hand believe that, while the bible is a great historical document, it's nothing more than a way to control the Meek, and the Poor.  Especially the Poor.  Wow, I wish I could've came across this first, or just made one of the major religions in general.  Now, I'm not saying that some of it isn't correct, but I'm going to just "Wait and see what happens," Fuck It, if you will.


This isn't your fault, I'm not wagging a finger at you.  You literally have no control over what's happening and how you act.  Social Evolution has populated a culture, and you're just in the mix.  Please don't let this make you feel bad, but you should be aware, and you should try to do better.  If not than, just fuck it.  I don't really care, because you're probably not even worth my time anyway.  Those of you that do read this, and do see the meaning that I'm trying to bring to you, than thank God for you.

Fact of the day: Why do Girls talk to much?  They have four Lips.  Why do guys think so much about sex?  Because they have two heads.


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