Change your Life! Free Advice!

Everything is not what it seems, everything you know is a lie. Ah, but it'll be okay Mate.  That's actually a good thing, because than your sad pathetic life can change as well.  


Quite your job.  Save some money, buy some camping supplies(make a checklist as to not forget anything), go out into the wild.  Live there for a couple months, until everything is in chaos.  Now, it can't only be you so...


Tell your friends.  Get everyone you know to stop as well, if there's enough people chaos will ensue. 

If enough people in a area does this, it should impact the pockets of the companies running the world.  I'm not sure that it would stop them entirely, probably not, but companies run on money that "You" spend.  So if enough people stop spending money, burn it, bury it, put it in a box in the ocean.  Well, than chaos will ensue.  If at least a million people stopped, chaos could happen.  Chaos not for you, but for the world banks, for the enterprises, etc.  The job you do may not be a particularly important one, but you're the gear inside a huge machine.  If a huge portion of Gears just "Stopped," can you imagine the implications?  

Just a thought.  

Thank You. 


Well, even if chaos doesn't happen, you can still enjoy the wilderness.  It's a beautiful place to be.  Funny little animals, some of them want to utterly Destroy you, but at least you have your books, you piece of shit. Now go!  Be the "Paul Bunyan" of stupidity. 


  1. Email me for further Instrutions to help you on the way. Let's change that pathetic existence of yours.


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