Free Advice| Steps to better yourlife| how to get whatever you want!| Girls|Money|Love|Relationship|Anything is Possible|

A lot of the time you get a guy going on and on about nothing at all, telling you is whole life story, and you get nothing out of it, but the "Chance of a Life Time."  What in the Hell is a "Chance of a Life Time," and why should it take money for me to make money when I have all these resources at hand?  Why do the poor stay poor, and the rich stay rich? 

Listen, you reading this blog, you have every opportunity to have all your dreams come true!  You just do not realize, or have the patience to find it. Why is it that we fail?  Why is it that we don't go on that walk every morning to meet a girl, go on a walk with her, because talking is way more important than going on a date, correct?  I mean, I'd much rather go on a stroll than, go to a dinner party where you have to be formal and than she's not seeing you in your full form.  Or Perhaps you haven't the nerve to go to your boss and ask for that raise, or that you'll think you'll fail if you do.  Listen to me, BY HAVING DOUBT, YOU'VE ALREADY WON THE WAR.  There's more people higher thinking that they're all that and a bag of potatochips and they aren't fit for a manager position because they're so stupid they don't realize it.  Fuck them, and fuck everyone up there.  I recently was working at a call center, one of these places where you take 10 calls an hour, or so, and you raise your hand if you have any questions.  Or a goddamn flag if they're being cheeky motherfuckers about it.  I'm reasonably smart, I like to think, but honestly I just look at the facts in front of me and go from that.  My manager over me, knew less about the business than the new guys, I'd ask very simple questions, for a very simple answer that they had no idea the answer too.  So, simply, he was a dumbass, and all of the people he let "Floor Walk," were dumbasses.  I got so mad one day by them not being able to answer a simple question that I hit my fists on the table, and raised my voice like a Gorilla.  That got an "Answer," that was less than satisfactory I think.  I looked up the answer to my own question, and called the person back.  They advised against that, or lacked the compassion to care, and now the place is shut down.  I think it's rather funny, in all honesty.  This places need to be shut down, or put under new management. 

So if you're following me, I've just shown you that "YOU" are the master of your universe, you have the power to do whatever you want, and only you can do these things.  Look, you might not get millions or be famous, but you will have everything that you need to survive as a human, and provide for your family, or the people that you love.  Let me tell you some exercises that I do, or that I watched a video on and it absolutely worked for me:

1.   Think of what you "Need," Visualize it.

2.  After thinking about it, and releasing it to the universe....I suppose you'll need a example of that, needy bastards:

EX:  Think of what you want in your mind, get the feeling, the essence of it, feel it, love it, fondle it.  Think about what you'll do with it, imagine yourself already having this, and than simply, Let It Go!  Visualize yourself shooting your thoughts into the universe like a stream of emotion. 

3. Act as if you already have it.  Let's say you want that new car or just a car you've been wanting:  Look at your parking space or whatever you have, and imagine that it's already there, and you're just waiting for it. 

In other words, just imagine like you already have it, and think about it every day.

Those three steps will help you to a new life, to a new you.  I know it sounds silly but here's my testimonial.  I wanted this weird thing, or I wanted to just see if it would happen, so I thought of something really weird.  It was one of those wined up toys that looks like a money that's smashing to syllables together.  Low and behold, that weekend, that weekend my mother comes in with.....JUST THAT! 

So this works, Try it today, and if you have questions or need more advice about how to do this, just message me. 

Thank you for your time, and I hope all your dreams come true. 


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