
Showing posts from May, 2018

Drug Testing in Schools.

Yes, the biggest Narcs, the government, is at it again.  First medal detector's, see through back packs, and now Drug Testing.  Our School System is literally turning into a Educational Prison System. We live in a society that is, literally, taking Teenager's by the hand and making their suck.  "NO Timmy!  Don't you dare call Johnny's mom a MILF!" Not for the benefit of theirs either, but for the benefit of their parents.  Herding them along as Cattle. I agree that kids doing drugs, especially the heavy stuff, is bad, but listen: You can not control every aspect of a teenager's life.  This is totally a new thing, that society is deeming acceptable and we're seeing the negative side effects of it. School Shooting after shooting, is it because of the mental state of a teenager, or is it because we're controlling them so much that they rebel in the worst way? I, Unfortunately, know all to well about control over a young person, first hand.

Free Advice| Steps to better yourlife| how to get whatever you want!| Girls|Money|Love|Relationship|Anything is Possible|

A lot of the time you get a guy going on and on about nothing at all, telling you is whole life story, and you get nothing out of it, but the "Chance of a Life Time."  What in the Hell is a "Chance of a Life Time," and why should it take money for me to make money when I have all these resources at hand?  Why do the poor stay poor, and the rich stay rich?  Listen, you reading this blog, you have every opportunity to have all your dreams come true!  You just do not realize, or have the patience to find it. Why is it that we fail?  Why is it that we don't go on that walk every morning to meet a girl, go on a walk with her, because talking is way more important than going on a date, correct?  I mean, I'd much rather go on a stroll than, go to a dinner party where you have to be formal and than she's not seeing you in your full form.  Or Perhaps you haven't the nerve to go to your boss and ask for that raise, or that you'll think you'll fai