Don't Forget about The Gays! Racism|Slander|Alt-Right|Conservative

Unwelcome Journey

The idea that you're attracted to the "same-sex," is fascinating, is scary, It's Electric Baby!  That being said, tunneling down into dark avenues, outright hiding it isn't very "Fun."  Growing up as a Kid who fancied a guys butt, over this big breasted bimbo, not even mentioning his "Mm-Hmm" is freaking hard, I'll tell you that.  Especially when you get the wrong vibes from him, and than it just breaks you heart, because he uses you.  Yes, I'm talking about being Gay, baby. 

So people are Racist, something so terrible that I can't even begin to cover that topic.  It's down right idiotic that you'd want to be Racist in the first place, get out there and take in some culture, baby.  The Africans, The Mexicans, The Jewish Nation, all of them all have a very beautiful and rich culture.  It's like we're in KinderGarden and need someone to show us how to be "Kind to our Neighbor."  I remember picking on this kid, because he was a bit off, you know the kind. The teacher explained to me that, not everyone is going to be the same, that their are people like him every where in the world, and you are going to have to "GET ALONG" with them.  Alright, so I did.  Now that I'm older, I know that every individual, whether they're Mentally challenged or not, is a person with dreams, thoughts, interesting thought patterns!  Mentally Challenged is a whole other thing that I believe needs to be addressed in this country,  and most other Countries alike.  You can't just send them to freaking facilities where they do willy Nilly what ever they want to them.  Just like you do to your grandma, because you can't be "bothered," to watch over her for the remaining 10 or less years of her life?  

What is wrong with "People?"


I think it's that we know there's this Alternative to care, that we don't have to "Feel Bad," because we know someone else is going to, and will Handle it for exchange for currency.  Greed fuels the world, and the guy with all the power is someone who can fuel a nation, not even mentioning leading. Why isn't this about us? The working Class?  Because the working class have always done this, "Work."  Trying to get ahead, to make someone richer and richer.  They work and they work until they're put into a nursing home where they are Neglected, and talked down to like a "Animal."


We are all Stupid Monkey People.  We don't even realize this until it's to late, and there's nothing to be done about it, and face it who is going to care? Who is going to read this and care?  No one. Because if you're comfortable in your life you aren't going to worry about anything but your needs, and your needs alone.  If something "Important" comes up that takes place of something you "Really" want, than you're going to take a shit on that "Important" crap that some guy was going about.  It doesn't involve you, you know that "God" makes a way for everyone.


Religion.  It's the gateway tool for Hell.  Going to point 1 and 2, If we know that especially something divine is going to take care of something for us, than we're going to prefer that over anything else in the GodDamn world.  We don't have to worry about it, because it's in "God's" hand, not ours.  What can a man do anyway?  Let me tell you.  A man can start a war, a man can take another man's life, and a man can change the world for Good or not my friend.  So get over yourself, if some creator was over us, do you really think he'd let you live in that piece of shit house, your piece of shit job, and your piece of shit life?  No, he'd make it fair for everyone.  But that's not up to him, it's up to you, and you alone.  It's a mind control technique to say that, one man can't do anything, when "One" literal man controls everything that goes on.  One man gives the order, and others follow him.  It's great to have people helping you, but technically, only one man runs the entire game, not "God," not your mother, not your father, not a spaghetti monster, one man. His name is [insert your name here].  Take that to the bank and cash it.  

Uncontrollable circumstance

I'm here to entertain you, not to be some sort of boring fucking reporter.  No, I'm here to open up your mind about many subjects, while laughing or getting angry.  Both are entertaining to me, or to you.  That's why I go on about nonsense, my point going from left to right, and back again, seemingly having nothing to do with the original argument, or main idea. I do this for fun, I'm not getting paid for it, so I just say whatever a topic will come back into my head, and than a "Ramble is formed."

Back to the original topic, like a person who cannot help what color of skin they might have, I cannot help that I want to cuddle up with a "Cute little Guy(whom is over the age of course, I say little because I like short men, with little waists.  Though I'm not shallow, I have made love with a guy that was a big ole bear, because he made me laugh.  I liked the way he got nervous when I'd touch his leg in class, for a goof)." I can't help that, just like you cannot help that you were raised to despise gays.  I'm not even sure how that happens, because I grew up straight, but never disliked Gays.  No one tells you, "Oh hate the gay man."   No one tells you to really hate blacks either, maybe I just am a better person than everyone and they did say that but I obviously didn't listen.  Look the LBGT community is there for a reason, "Population."  I can understand you don't want the last Owl in existence to be gay, because than that forces that species to be to just die out.  Even though, I'm pretty sure he'd just do it anyway, as a lot of gay men I know, have non-adopted children.  At that point would it be okay for him to be with a gay person that was in his family tree, because they are the last remaining humans?  I mean, we've got brother's mating with sisters here.  Oh Society Taboos, all of them have been getting broken since the beginning of time.  Please don't fuck your sister though, that's just creepy man. Unless you know for sure you two are the two last survivors of the human race, than get some of that for sure. 


Making a movie about a gay teen and believing your on the level of a saint isn't right.  It's like black face or something.  Don't ask don't tell, is just like not letting a black person in the Army.  I mean, our people have been getting hate long before the American Black Slavery thing happened.  I'd say around the beginning of time, though some progressive nations were "Cool" with it, why can't we be?  Saying something about a gay is racist and should be treated as such.   Gay jokes, shouldn't be, there's just something funny about being gay.  I love that, that's probably why I'm hugely gay, because I'm a funny man.  Most funny men are probably bi sexual at least deep down.  

So there's some things to think about.  I want to get this out there to get some views, shake some head, get some chaos started.   Have a freaking awesome day.


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