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Why are Women so Heartless?

Look, ladies, why do you have to be so heartless to us guys, especially us "NICE GUYS," I completely understand that a prick has screwed you over. BooHoo go cry to mother.  Did I do those terrible things to you?  No, I did not.  You shouldn't come expecting a "Nice Guy," to be prince charming.  There's still some quirks about him that he needs to work out, but he's way better than your last choice, that's for sure.   


A girl I was dating said, "Yeah, the last guy I dated beat me, and pretty much raped me."  I merrily say something wrong to her like, "Why don't you like to kiss me more, like you did when we first went out," and all hell broke loose.  I literally did nothing to her, but ask a question.  Yes, I knew that question was going to spark some flames, but to that degree?  No, it shouldn't have.  

After taking a step back, assessing the situation, it's my professional opinion to just be a totally Asshole all you want to a girl.  They seem to respond to it better, because believe me, I've tried everything. Oh, even when you're nice and everything is going okay, a girl said to me, "I just want you to be more aggressive."  So I became more aggressive, even though that's not me, but whatever.  A couple weeks down the line, and BAM, she's like, "Why are you so Aggressive all the time."   Well, it's that what you wanted?  The mind of a woman is a mystery. 

Look, I completely understand.  Guys are Assholes, respectfully.  Human beings in general are horrible organisms that shouldn't have been created.  They Universe was doing just fine without us, I can tell you that.  Look at Earth.  We cover the Earth like the Plague, we take, but never give back.  Imagine a human being that's able to travel through the cosmos, taking whatever we'd like.  It's kinda sick isn't it.   
Don't blame us though, honestly, look at the Environment in which we came from.  Full of Animals killing animals for Survival purposes.  Which fish can call the little fish, which fish can kill the big fish, and what fish can rule them all?  We literally have things called "Viruses," on this planet that defy what we know about Organisms, and life as we know it.  Implanting their DNA into our cells, with that main purpose.  How does something so Evil, so Vile, come to exist?  Also, like the Universe is any better?  Full of Radiation that can tear our DNA to shreds, Black Holes that literally do things that we didn't know where possible.  For What Purpose?  We simply have no idea.  And we don't.  We don't know why anything is here.  

                                                                            In Conclusion

Maybe I shouldn't blame the girls for being so Vile, and Wicked.  It's all we know as human beings, Survival of the fittest.  Get your riches before they spoil.  It's sad though, life and everything.  They say you can be anything you want.  Guess Again buddy.  You have to be born in a certain place, have a certain way about you, and Remember: This world runs on Two things: Good Looks, and Greed. If you happen to have neither, the only thing there for you is Hard Labor. If you're intelligent, you may have a bit of a chance, I'd still not risk it.  

I'm Puff: The Nerd.  Signing off. 

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