Tamagotchi Update, My offer to Bandai. Digimon. Toys.

My fellow Tamagotchi Army:

Dear friends, there's a release of the old Tamagotchi in Japan!  It's the original.......No....It's not......It's not the ORIGIANAL!  BANDAIIIIIII!!!!! (inserts fowl language here.)  What a world we're living in.  You used to be able to go down to the shops, get a Tamagotchi, buy one for your friends if you like, so you could get gifts, have a party, etc.  WHAT WORLD ARE WE LIVING IN!  Did I like the egg shaped one?  Yes, I loved it, but my friend was going through a rough time and I gave it to him.  I wanted one that I had in my child hood, the one I could just put in my pocket, and take wherever I go.  NOW I NEED A FREAKING BAG!  To say that I love where you're taking the product, BANDAI would be strongly mistaken.

When you travel down to the website, Link: http://us.tamagotchifriends.com/, you see nothing of what Tamagotchi used to be, now it's Tamagotchi Friends?  THEY WERE ALWAYS OUR FREAKING FRIENDS!  HELLO!  THAT'S WHY WE GOT THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!  Sorry for the shouting but it just kills me.  When I saw that they were releasing the original I got excited, and I started to get goosebumps.  On reviewing the products, I got red faced and terrible mad!  So on to the Tamagotchi website.

When you're there, it's a "cute," pink website, that screams that guys don't belong here!  I remember the old website, it was green and inviting for all, it wasn't a girl clubs.  Let's just skip to the chase....So Tamagotchi is just for girls? Huh? Really!  Okay, "Is there just girlie Tamagotchi's Puff?"  No there's guys, but if you go to the website you'll be greeted by this:

A sheep like character, that's I've mentioned.  Her name is: Yumemitchi.  She's a girl Performer, she has a big dream to become a famous idol singer, she works hard on her singing(and studying, of course).  Loves her Big Ribbons, and her Best friend is Kiraritchi.  Kiraritchi is the second character beside the sheep that you'll be greeted with.  Her name is: Kiraritchi.  Shes a performer, who's friends with everyone, she lives in the Tama-Mori shop(Fashion shop, apparently), she makes accessories which she sells at the Tama-Mori Shop.  Her dream is to also be a Famous Idol Singer, and her Star-Shaped Accessories is her favorite, also she loves to laugh(can't forget that).  Since her dream is to be a Famous Idol Singer, she must run into Yumemitchi, since it's a small world, and they kinda are from the same place.  So they're best friends.  But this friendship, I think can be summed up to be about "Keep your friends close, and your enemy's closer," since Kiraritchi seems to be friends with everyone, and let's just say it, seems she's after attention.  In the background, you'll see the famous character: Mametchi.  He was the mascot in my era of Tamagotchi.  He's a Robot......That's he's profession?  Really, Tamagotchi.  Why do they have professions, if this character and most other's don't have any dreams, like the newer characters.  He loves to study?  Really?  But he also likes playing sports, which is okay, but he also enjoys inventing things, though sometimes his inventions fail, but not good at drawing.  Now, why give a character these much info, but stop there?  Why couldn't he inspire to be a famous Athlete or Inventor?  Where's the depth as the other characters?  It just kinda disgust me.  They couldn't go back and come up with a simple story for this guy? No?  WHAT?  God.

Extra character, my favorite in fact:  Kuchipatchi. Chef? that's cool, but why didn't the other guy have something like this in his character info?  He's a very kind-hearted Tamagotchi, and a true foodie.  And this is why he's close to my heart!  Plus he's really cute.  He and his family love relaxing, and he loves hot springs and Patchi forest where he was born and raised.

Disclaimer:  I love these character's, they are very near and dear to my heart, but why in God's name is the website girl oriented?  So you're making a boy, who plays with Tamagotchi feel like he's doing something that isn't for him, which, I would guess, wouldn't be so good for sales.  I understand this might be more popular for girls, though when I was growing up mostly boys wanted, but why does the website have to center around girls?  Why couldn't you use neutral colors and theme's that's "Gender-Fluid," or "Gender Less," and I mean nothing political here.

Bandai, if you need someone to take over the Tamagotchi department, and I will do it for free(Well, I get free products for myself and to give away), I'm open.   I will dedicate my life to the sales and production of this great product.  If you were to listen to my ideas, and what I have in mind, we could make Tamagotchi's more popular than Pokémon ever dared to be, that goes for Digimon, which I love as well.  I watched that before I even watched Pokémon.  It was amazing.  Bandai, take a chance on a American, who loves your products, and if you don't see results, fire me.  At least you could say we tried, but I promise you greater sales.

I could do some stories for Tamagotchi if my viewers would like.  Thanks for reading, again, this is Puff.

Love Ya!

P.S. Bandai, send me a Tamagotchi to review, give me a job, but please show me, and my viewers that you haven't given up on this amazing product.


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