
Showing posts from April, 2018

Doctor Dom: Leading Authority on "Religious Archeology." The Bible, Stupid Christians, and more.

Doctor Dom says: "If anyone thinks that the King James Bible is the only Bible ever written, YOU'RE AN IDIOT! "Hell the King James Bible came out after Jesus was born." I was invited to chat with Doctor Dom, Leading Authority on "Religion based Archeology,"  A few days ago.  He said the biggest misconception the public has about religion is the fact that a lot of old timers say that the King James version of the bible is the only Bible, and that it is the first Bible.  In fact, people seem to think that Jesus Himself carried around the King James version of the Bible.  They call newer translations "The Devil," because it's not the King James version of the bible. Doctor Dom says, "The first Bible ever printed was in 1455, called the Gutenberg Bible, we know because Pope Pius II wrote saying he had seen pages from the Gutenberg Bible."  So this Bible was produced in 1455, but the King James Version, that is held in high

Don't Forget about The Gays! Racism|Slander|Alt-Right|Conservative

Unwelcome Journey The idea that you're attracted to the "same-sex," is fascinating, is scary, It's Electric Baby!  That being said, tunneling down into dark avenues, outright hiding it isn't very "Fun."  Growing up as a Kid who fancied a guys butt, over this big breasted bimbo, not even mentioning his "Mm-Hmm" is freaking hard, I'll tell you that.  Especially when you get the wrong vibes from him, and than it just breaks you heart, because he uses you.  Yes, I'm talking about being Gay, baby.  So people are Racist, something so terrible that I can't even begin to cover that topic.  It's down right idiotic that you'd want to be Racist in the first place, get out there and take in some culture, baby.  The Africans, The Mexicans, The Jewish Nation, all of them all have a very beautiful and rich culture.  It's like we're in KinderGarden and need someone to show us how to be "Kind to our Neighbor."  I