
Showing posts from November, 2018

Draft of New Short Story: Time Traveling Mad Man.

Chapter I Chris ran the controls on the Mainframe, fluxing the Singularity, while the ship wobbled through Space, trying to crack through Time. The hull was like a coal powered steam boat, but just with more heat, and, instead of coal ,Quantum Mechanics was at play. The bronze walls grumbled a eerie sound through the hull, making note that it did not like what was going on. In fact, what was going on, Chris had no idea. He had done this a million times, and it had never did this before. It was like mothernature was punishing him for just running around the universe like a Mad Man, but with more finesse. “Damn. Damn. Damn.” Christ put his white gloves to his forehead, wiping off the beads of sweat dripping down on the base of his nose. Pressing a button on his chest, “Look, Puff. Do you have any idea how we might get out of this?” “Hello, Sir! Thank you so much for letting me help with your decision! I know how important your time is right now, so I won'